Fine-Tuning the Multilingual Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (mT5) on XNLI for Language Classification
- This repository demostrate how we can do fine-tuning on pretrained multi-lingual text-to-text mT5 model. The mT5 model is trained on 101 language.
- We will be using the Cross-lingual Natural Language Inference (XNLI) dataset for fine-tuning. We are going to use sentence1 and sentence2 colomns as input and language as target.
- XNLI dataset can be download here
- We are going to use xnli.test.tsv dataset for cross-validation and once we have selected our hyper-parameters we will train our model on full xnli.test.tsv dataset and evaluated on We are not going to use dataset untill we have choosen all the hyper-parameter.
- Reference; I have refered this official notebook from t5 for fine-tuning the model.
- First; We tried different Batch size (32, 128, 256) and concluded that batch size of 128 and 256 perform same as long as number of training steps are same
- Second; We tried different Epoch (10, 8, 6, 3, 2) and concluded that epoch depends on batch size and Learning rate. If Batch is small (eg: 128) epoch can also be small and for higher batch Epoch should be higher. If LR is higher we can use small epoch.
- Third; We tried different LR (0.0001, 0.001, 0.003) and concluded with higher learning rate model will train faster and we will need small epoch.
- Batch Size = 128
- EPOCH = 2
- LR = 0.003
- We train the model on full dataset using these hyper-parameter. Below are the metrics on evaluation set.
- We have observed that model misclassify Hindi and Urdu Language. The wrong prediction are mostly on input sentence which are written using English alphabets, not Hindi or Urdu alphabets.
- Model also misclassify Bulgarian and Russian. The wrong predictions are possibily because both Russian and Bulgarian belong from same language family.
- Few sentences are incorrectly labeled as english.
- Some input sentences are very small and because of that wrong prediction. Since training dataset size is decent we can eliminated such small sentences.
- Its highly recommended to Run this notebook using Collab TPU Runtime env. I have already shared the Collab notebook here, Please Run it directly.
- To Change the runtime please follow; Runtime --> change runtime type --> TPU If fine-tuning the model then GPU is also fine.
- All the data and fine-tune checkpoints are already available in my GCS bucket*****
- To get the prediction on unseen data using best model, just run all the cell as it is. You can also input your own sentences.
- Notebook can also be run on local machine by install pip install -r requirements.txt. However all the data, checkpoints and output should be saved on GCS bucket only.
- GCS bucket is publicly available for limited time and after that those links will expire. Please update those links with your own GCS link and also upload training data.
- Know Issue: For some reason t5 library is not able to update the checkpoint's *.gin confile file and because of that prediction function throws error. I have manually updated the *.gin config file for best model for getting the predictions.