Important note: This (and all the other alfresco-bm-* ) projects do not compile if you don't have access to alfresco nexus internal maven repositories. Follow to get an update for when the required TAS-RESTAPI library will be made public as well, making this project compilable by anyone.
This project provides a management application and a supporting library for development of highly scalable, easy-to-run Java-based load and benchmark tests. Maven and Java development patterns are employed so that load tests can be included in automated build plans; both for the product they are testing but also to prevent regressions in the tests.
More information on the Alfresco Community Site
- Videos related to the Benchmark Framework 2.0
- Videos prepared for Alfresco Summit 2014 showing a CMIS load test in action
git clone
cd alfresco-bm-manager
svn checkout
cd alfresco-bm-manager
There are a few components we need before we can kick off any tests.
Before you can start any form of testing with the Alfresco Benchmark Framework, you need to install Java SDK version 1.7.0_51 or later on the Benchmark Management Manager host and on each host running the Benchmark Driver Server.
Maven is used as the build tool so make sure you have Apache Maven 3 installed.
There also needs to be an instance of MongoDB, version 2.6.3 or later. The Benchmark Framework servers expects the port number to be 27017.
If you want to use docker: docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo
Additionally, installing Robo 3T (MongoDB GUI) is helpfull to see the database connection.
mvn clean install
2.Check availability of MongoDB server
mongo \<mongo-host\>
3.Start server
cd server
mvn clean spring-boot:run\<mongo-host\>
4.Start sample load driver
cd ../sample
mvn clean spring-boot:run\<mongo-host\>
5.Access server UI
Browse to http://localhost:9080/alfresco-bm-manager
6.Create a Test
Click [+] if not presented with "Create Test" options.
Fill in test details:
- Test Name: MyFirstTest01
- Test Description: Getting started
- Test Definition: alfresco-benchmark-bm-sample-xxx
Click "Ok".
7.Edit test properties
It is a requirement that all test runs get told where to store the generated results.
Change property "" to your \<mongo-host\>
Click: "MyFirstTest01" on top left
8.Create a Test Run
Click [+] if not presented with "Create Test Run" options.
Fill in test run details:
- Test run name: 01
Click "Ok".
9.Start the Test Run
Click "Play" button next to Test Run "01".
The progress bar will auto-refresh as the test run completion estimate changes.
10.Download results
At any time - usually when the test run completes - click through on the test run.
Click the download button and open the CSV file in a spreadsheet.
Please use this guide to create an archetype and start the new project.
Please use this guide for release process.
Please use this guide to make a contribution to the project.