Alex Freeman - 9/19/17
DrivenData is currently hosting a competition to predict cases of Dengue Fever in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Iquitos, Peru. The competition can be found here:
This repository includes: The dataset as provided by the competition website in the datasets folder, my personal submissions so far in the submissions folder. I have rewritten multiple of the models, so it is not possible to reproduce some of these submissions, a data dictionary - dengue data dictionary.txt, iPython Notebooks going through the data science pipeline. The notebooks follow logically along the numbered order. The unnumbered notebooks are extra modelling techniques:
1 - Dengue cases data cleaning.ipynb
- Cleaning, fill in missing values, etc. -
2 - pickle dengue data.ipynb
- pickle cleaned data for easier loading in later notebooks. -
3 - Dengue cases EDA.ipynb
- Explore and visualize the feature set of weather variables -
4 - Predict based on months only.ipynb
- Find and plot the monthly trend -
5 - Predict residuals with rolling weather data.ipynb
- Use the monthly trend to find residuals and see which weather features to use. -
- The solution code for my best performing model.
Extra notebooks:
DENGUE - predict on log(cases).ipynb
Take the log of the cases and repeat modelling process -
Dengue ARIMA.ipynb
- Try the ARIMA method -
Predict outbreaks & low case classes.ipynb
- Try classification models using models to predict if it is an 'outbreak' or a 'lull' in cases -
Residuals from seasonality Model.ipynb
- Remove the monthly trend from the cases and use weather features to predict residuals. -
Dengue Time Series Models.ipynb
- Try multiple different time-based models -
Predict based on months and rolling or shifted data.ipynb
- Create new features from rolling mean, rolling standard deviation and shifted weather data to predict the residuals. -
XGBoost predictions.ipynb
- Try the XGBoost model to predict the residuals.