This Repositiory contains the source for the SKSE64 plugin used by the moreHUD SE mod for Skyrim Special Edition.
The plugin works in conjunction with the ahzaab/moreHUDSEScaleform Scaleform Elements.
- The SKSE64 plugin is loaded by SKSE64 using the skse64_loader.exe
- The plugin dynamically loads the Scaleform .swf movie clip into the Hud Menu when the menu loads.
- The plugin registers Scaleform functions used by the ActionScript 2.0 code associated with the moreHUD SE swf file
- The plugin provides data to the ActionScript such as Known Ingredients, Magic Effects, Enemy Level, Known Echantments, etc.
The compiled .dll is installed in the Skyrim Data Folder to Data/SKSE/Plugins
Not by the Plugin. But only for the .swf file as described here
HUD mod authors, you can reskin or modify the additional enemy meters by including these files with your mod as a fmod or standalone patch, and modity to meet your needs. These files must be placed in the Data/interface/exported/moreHUD
- cmake
- vcpkg
- CommonLibSSE
- spdlog (Installed by vcpkg)
- Xbyak (Installed by vcpkg)
- Boost
- Stl_interfaces (Installed by vcpkg)
- binary_io (Installed by vcpkg)
- Address Library for SKSE Plugins
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019
- SKSE64
- SkyUI
I use Visual Studio Code for Compilation and Debugging.
The following environmental variable is required: SkyrimAEPath
which points to your skyrim installation directory
Run the following commands for the debug build
rm -R .\build
mkdir build
cd .\build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
For release build:
rm -R .\build
mkdir build
cd .\build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release