This repo contains helper functions and skeletons for training ML models in an attempt to avoid repeating code search.
The idea is to have a single repo to refer to for implementation and editing instead of writting from scratch, this is not supposed to be a script repo.
- Earth-mover distance is a better metric for small permutations in image data compared to
. - Original repo
- Uses an encoder network to compare extracted features between target and generated, useful for SuperResolution. paper
- Jitters the image and calculates
. - Used in SR paper
- Maximizes difference between labels rather than set to
. - Docs
- Extracted Cyclegan loss pipeline in case we want to abstract it to somthing different.
- Unaligned datasets for domain tranformation.
- Original repo
- Classifies differences in latent space of encoder.
- This is mine :)
- Standard ResNet
- Original repo
- ¯\(ツ)/¯
- Allows to easily use distributed training and GPU/TPU usage.
- Pytorch Lightning
- Handles tuples of 3 (anchor [reference], positive [simmilar], negative [different]).
- Matches 2 classes of data in pairs.
- Matches N classes of data in pairs.
- Normalizes images so that covariance
$\sum$ is the Identity matrix leading to decorrelated features. - According to the paper, it should be applied batch-wise.