client for Sailfish OS (Ubuntu Touch vesion is in development - see Ubuntu Touch).
- Navigate by game
- View top channels
- Browse followed channels and games
- Follow and unfollow channels and games
- Search channels
- Chat
The app is available at Jolla Store for both Jolla and Jolla Tablet.
You can find prebuilt rpm packages for armv7 and i486 architectures on releases page.
- Download and install SailfishOS SDK (
- git clone
- Go to cloned directory and open with SailfishOS IDE
- Choose target(s) and build
UT version of TwitchTube is under development. You can look at the current state by opening in Ubuntu SDK.
Video playback doesn't work because UT doesn't have HLS support included at the moment. This is also the reason why I'm giving this a rather low priority.
There're some discussions going about including HLS codec, so the situation is likely to change soon enough.
You can contribute to TwitchTube development by reporting an issue or by sending a pull request. Either is always welcome, though latter might be difficult at the moment as codebase is not in the best state (there're some refactorings planned e.g. #13).
This application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See for more information.