In this page, we introduce examples, including scenario, pre-conditions and scripts/Dockers, to produce video streams.
The examples presented are located in the examples/video-stream-broker folder.
A video sensor wants to push a UDP video stream including a RTP video with H264
The following systems must be configured and running:
- The Message Broker (AMQP) is up and running
- The Kakfa Broker (KAFKA) is up and running and ready at EKS. It polls data through Kafka Connector and KSQLDB from AMQP
- The GPS positions in
to get the tiles are hardcoded in the example removing the integration with a specific GPS device. - The component for the Video Sensor is built but not running
- To Push a UDP Source to 5GMETA MEC
First, we need a UDP SOURCE or RTSP Stream with an H.264 video
$ gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc is-live=true do-timestamp=true ! videoconvert ! videorate ! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480, framerate=10/1 ! textoverlay font-desc="Arial 40px" text="container TX" valignment=2 ! timeoverlay font-desc="Arial 60px" valignment=2 ! videoconvert ! tee name=t ! queue max-size-buffers=1 ! x264enc bitrate=2000 speed-preset=ultrafast tune=zerolatency key-int-max=5 ! video/x-h264,profile=constrained-baseline,stream-format=byte-stream ! h264parse ! rtph264pay pt=96 config-interval=-1 name=payloader ! application/x-rtp,media=video,encoding-name=H264,payload=96 ! udpsink host= port=7000 sync=false enable-last-sample=false send-duplicates=false
Second, we need to run the Video Sensor Docker sending the UDP video stream
$ docker run --net=host --env AMQP_USER="<user>" --env AMQP_PASS="<password>" --env VIDEO_SOURCE="udp" --env VIDEO_PARAM="7000" --env VIDEO_TTL="100" 5gmeta/video_sensor
- Remember to configure the
> to your local environment - NB:
- Note that 7000 is the UDP source Port
- Note that 100 is the timeout until the Video Sensor will stop sending a video stream
Third, we can play the video from the 5GMETA MEC infrastructure, produced by the WebRTC Proxy, allowing data pipelines at the 5GMETA MEC infrastructure to process
$ gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5045 ! application/x-rtp,encoding-name=H264,payload=96 ! rtpjitterbuffer latency=50 ! rtph264depay ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! textoverlay font-desc="Arial 40px" text="local RX" valignment=1 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
- NB:
- Note that 5045 is the UDP Port produced by the WebRTC proxy based on the provided ID (from the registration process)
First, change
code to set the target IDif (['sourceId'] == 45):
- NB: Note that 45 should be changed to the dataflow ID identified in the logs coming from registration and WebRTC proxy logs
Second, launch the player
$ AMQP_USER="<user>" AMQP_PASS="<password>" AMQP_IP="<AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD>" AMQP_PORT="<port>" GST_DEBUG=3 python3 ./
- Remember to configure the
> and<port
> to your local environment
In this section, a Sensors&Devices instance is created to send data to the 5GMETA MEC platform though the message and video brokers hosted in the MEC.
Installation requirements can be found in the repository. Clone the repository using
git clone ssh://
cd sensors-and-devices/vagrant
vagrant up
Vagrant will provision the VM with the following Senders:
cits_sender_python: a python sender and receiver that run an AMQP sender simulating a number of vehicles that send messages with some properties attached.
image_sender_python: a python sender and receiver that run an AMQP sender simulating a number of vehicle that sends images (different size, but all the same)
cits_receiver_python: a python example to receive messages from AMQP events