This project contains all the components needed to implement the Registration API, a Flask webserver running on the Edge, providing REST APIs to interact with a dataflow database.
The registration apis interract with:
- the Cloud Dataflow DB, to add informations about the active dataflows;
- the S&D application, retrieving from POST request the information about new dataflows;
- the S&D application, retrieving from PUT requests the dataflows keepalives.
The yaml description of the APIs is provided in the api folder.
The provided endpoints are:
- POST /dataflows, that receives the dataflow metadata as body in the request, adds the new dataflow to the DB and returns a JSON; this JSON contains:
- the dataflowId;
- the amqp topic where to send the messages;
- a boolean value called "send", if "send" is True, at least one consumer in the 5GMETA platform is interested in the dataflow registered.
- PUT /dataflows/<dataflowId>, that receives the dataflow metadata as body in the request and performs several operations:
- modifies the metadata associated to a specific dataflow;
- functions as a keepalive, if the sender does not send this PUT periodically (every 30/60 seconds), 5GMETA will delete the dataflow;
- generates the same response as the POST /dataflow, but may update the "send" value if the consumers change.
- DELETE /dataflows/<dataflowId>, that deletes a specific dataflow.
- Federico Princiotto (