This package uses mavros to conduct a visual inspection of the f-35 using predetermained waypoints. The inspection utalizes r-tab to conduct a localiztion and formulate correction between the local frame of reference and the map of the plane's reference frame
This package assumes you have already configured Simulations ROS Please complete instalation instructions for Simulations ROS first.
please install
apt packages
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octomap
The minimum snap package generates smooth trajectories through waypoints. To install it, open the scripts
folder within the simulation_ros
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/simulation_ros/scripts
In the very first line, type the path of your catkin workspace. It most likely is ~/catkin_ws
, if you've been following the instructions.
Execute the file:
ros packages
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/px4_control
git checkout lockheed_quads
The quadcopters run an older version of PX4, while the simulation runs a recent version of PX4. I could not find out how to run Gazebo's simulation with the same version of PX4 as what runs in the quadcopter. Because of that, the packages px4_control
and mavros
have to be configured before compiling.
If you want to use the simulation, you need Kinetic version of software. To this end, switch mavros to current version:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/mavros
git checkout master
If you want to command the quadcopter, you will need to use the Indigo version of mavros:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/mavros
git checkout indigo-devel
Depending on either version, the package px4_control has to be compiled accordingly. This can be changed as a flag in the fourth line of ~/catkin_ws/src/px4_control/CMakeLists.txt
For Kinetic (simulation) version:
option(USE_KINETIC "Use kinetic version instead of indigo version" TRUE)
For Indigo (quadcopter) version:
option(USE_KINETIC "Use kinetic version instead of indigo version" FALSE)
Required dependencies
The easiest way to get all them (Qt, PCL, VTK, OpenCV, ...) is to install/uninstall rtabmap binaries:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rtabmap ros-kinetic-rtabmap-ros
sudo apt-get remove ros-kinetic-rtabmap ros-kinetic-rtabmap-ros
innstall RTAB-Map standalone libraries. Add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/catkin_ws/devel
to cmake command below if you want to install in your Catkin's devel folder without sudo. Do not clone in your Catkin workspace.
cd ~
git clone
cd rtabmap/build
cmake .. [<---double dots included]
sudo make install
Install RTAB-Map ros-pkg in your src folder of your Catkin workspace.
cd ~/catkin_ws
git clone src/rtabmap_ros
Create folder for storing map databases:
mkdir ~/mapdb
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
The localization algorithm works by performing loop closers. Because of this it is important that you map places in position and orientation that your drone is likley to fly.
Use my python script to generate circular waypoits around the plane
Modify the script to generate yout prefered circles and name the file in which you would like the waypoints are saved
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/control_node/scripts/
note** waypoint are in the format of x y z yaw
with respect to the map reference frame
subl ~/catkin_ws/src/control_node/cfg/training.yaml
set the path and file name of your mapping waypoints ex.
path: "/home/lockheed/catkin_ws/src/control_node/waypoints/"
filename: "training.wp"
// first terminal
//next terminal
roslaunch simulations_ros px4.launch
//next terminal
roslaunch simulations_ros kinectMapping.launch
//next terminal
roslaunch control_node training.launch
The first two commands start the simulation and other packages. If you desire to have a separate window visualizing the drone's camera, then run in a separate terminal:
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/webcam/image_raw
Be sure to start the drone where you generated the origin of your map. by default iris pose should be <pose>0 0 0 0 0 1.57</pose>
subl ~/catkin_ws/src/control_node/cfg/manualWaypoints.yaml
set the path and file name of your mapping waypoints ex.
path: "/home/lockheed/catkin_ws/src/control_node/waypoints/"
filename: "inspection.wp"
// first terminal
//next terminal
roslaunch simulations_ros px4.launch
//next terminal
roslaunch px4_control gazebo.launch
//next terminal
roslaunch control_node manualWaypoints.launch
note** make sure to run roslaunch control_node manualWaypoints.launch
before the drone takesoff, as the program will generate a local reference frame based off of the initial yaw angle
Press up on the D pad to generate waypoints. For more information on flying the drone with xbox controller please refer to the github page
subl ~/catkin_ws/src/control_node/cfg/inspection.yaml
set the path and file name of your mapping waypoints ex.
path: "/home/lockheed/catkin_ws/src/control_node/waypoints/"
filename: "start.wp"
inspection: "train.wp"
start.wp should be a circular pattern of waypoints for the purpose of allowing the drone to rectify its local frame with its map frame train.wp should be the waypoints for the inspection
// first terminal
//next terminal
roslaunch simulations_ros px4.launch
//next terminal
roslaunch simulations_ros localization.launch
//next terminal
roslaunch control_node control.launch
//sit back relax and enjoy the ride
subl ~/Firmware/posix-configs/SITL/init/ekf2/iris
Full list of Parameters
Usefull parameters under Multicopter Position Control