A range slider widget made for customtkinter
Download the source code, paste the CTkRangeSlider
folder in the directory where your program is present.
from CTkRangeSlider import *
import customtkinter
def show_value(value):
root = customtkinter.CTk()
range_slider = CTkRangeSlider(root, command=show_value)
range_slider.pack(padx=30, pady=30, fill="both")
Parameters | Details |
master | root window, can be tkinter.Frame or CTkFrame |
command | callback function, receives slider value as argument, two separate commands can be given by command=(cmd1, cmd2) |
variables | tuple: set two tkinter.IntVar or tkinter.DoubleVar objects |
width | slider width in px |
height | slider height in px |
corner_radius | corner roundness of the slider |
border_width | space around the slider rail in px |
from_ | lower slider value |
to | upper slider value |
number_of_steps | number of steps in which the sliders can be positioned |
fg_color | foreground color, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color |
progress_color | tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color or "transparent", color of the slider line before the button |
border_color | slider border color, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color or "transparent", default is "transparent" |
button_color | color of the slider buttons, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color or ((light_color_1, dark_color_1), (light_color_2, light_color_2)) for separate button colors |
button_hover_color | hover color, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color |
button_width | width of the buttons in px |
button_length | length of the buttons in px |
button_corner_radius | corner roundness of the buttons |
orientation | "horizontal" (standard) or "vertical" |
state | "normal" or "disabled" (not clickable) |
hover | bool, enable/disable hover effect, default is True |
.configure(attribute=value, ...)
All attributes can be configured and updated.
range_slider.configure(fg_color=..., progress_color=..., button_color=..., ...)
.set([value, value])
Set sliders to specific float value.
Get current values of slider.
Get any attribute value.
This widget works just like the normal customtkinter slider widget, but it has dual slider-heads instead of one. A special thanks to EN20M for providing the custom DrawEngine for rangeslider.
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