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ZNVM: Nodejs Version Manager for ZSH

Similar to nvm-sh but meant to be faster (on startup at least).



You shell must be zsh

The following commands also needed for operation:

  • curl
  • awk
  • tail
  • head
  • cut
  • sort
  • uniq

General installation

git clone $HOME/src/znvm

Edit you .zshrc and the following line to enable the plugin:

# enable znvm plugin
. $HOME/src/znvm/znvm.plugin.zsh
# enable autocompletion for znvm
# load default nodejs version
# but only if it's not set (for example it will be set if you use tmux)
# remove the if statement if you want to make sure the default version used in a new shell
if ! znvm current > /dev/null
	znvm use default
# load version defined in .nvmrc
znvm hookwdchange

Install in oh-my-zsh

cd $ZSH
git submodule add custom/plugins/znvm

Install in zgenom

Add zgenom load Ajnasz/znvm in your .zshrc with your other zgenom load commands.

Enable the znvm plugin in your .zshrc.

How to enable plugins in oh-my-zsh

Load default nodejs version

# load default nodejs version
znvm use default
# load version defined in .nvmrc
znvm hookwdchange


The ZNVM_DIR environment variable, default value is $HOME/.znvm


The ZNVM_SEARCH_FILENAMES environment variable is a list of filenames (separated by space) znvm will look for whenever it executes the chpwd hook listener. Default value is .znvmrc .nvmrc Dockerfile

To disable Dockerfile read remove it from the list:

ZNVM_SEARCH_FILENAMES=".znvmrc .nvmrc"


Install a nodejs version

To install the latest nodejs v12:

znvm install v12

To install nodejs v8.1.1

znvm install v8.1.1

Create or update an alias

znvm alias default v12

Load a version

znvm use v12

Use a default version

znvm use default

Auto use from .znvmrc, .nvmrc or Dockerfile files

Add the following line to the .zshrc

znvm hookwdchange

The hook will traverse directory structure upwards from the current directory looking for the files defined in $ZNVM_SEARCH_FILENAMES every time you change directory.

That will add a hook, which executes every time you change directory. The hook listener will search .znvmrc, .nvmrc and Dockerfile in the directory you entered to. If no file found, it will try to find it in the parent directory until it reaches the root directory.

When it searches in a Dockerfile, it will try to extract the version number from FROM node: line.