a public library to be used while implementing the integration with the Aigent transcription API The Aigent api is available at: wss://transcription.aigent.ai/connector
clone the repository to your local.
An Aigent Keycloak account that can be requested at help@aigent.ai
you can see the required envinroment variables in .env.template
you will receive:
from help@aigent.ai
You will put these variables inside a file called .env
that will be sourced by the application automatically.
This is the url that creates the tokens needed to authenticate.
export KEYCLOAK_TOKEN_ENDPOINT="https://auth.aigent.ai/auth/realms/dashboard/protocol/openid-connect/token"
A library on how to do that is provided at:
This is the url of the transcription service:
export AIGENT_API_URL="wss://transcription.aigent.ai/connector"
We provide a library that can be used to integrate
The library can be found: https://github.com/Aigent/transcription-api-library/blob/main/AigentConnector.js
An example implementation can be found here:
The connection is done using websockets.
We establish the connection using the uri provided, with the token as an url argument
this.socket = new WebSocket(uri);
2 Streams are required in order to transcribe a recording:
1 stream for the agent channel
1 stream for the client channel
The data is expected to be in the following format:
an Uint8 array with the following data: [ code, code, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, payload…]
* @tag AigentConnector
* @summary prepare the given payload for send
* @description Uses internally by send method
* @param {code} integer. Message type id
* @param {payload} Uint8Array. Data being sent
* @response Uint8Array encoded message
const timestampArrayLength = 4;
function encode(code, payload) {
const binCode = new Uint8Array([code & 0x00ff, (code & 0xff00) >> 8]);
const binMsg = new Uint8Array(binCode.byteLength + timestampArrayLength + payload.byteLength);
const timestampArray = generateTimestampArray();
binMsg.set(binCode, 0);
binMsg.set(timestampArray, binCode.byteLength);
binMsg.set(payload, binCode.byteLength + timestampArrayLength);
return binMsg;
The timestamp is a unix timestamp, a uint32 integer that we expect as the bytes immediately following the 2 code bytes.
The timestamp can be generated using the following function:
const timestampArrayLength = 4;
function generateTimestampArray() {
let timestamp = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); // get unix timestamp in seconds
let timestampArray = new Uint8Array(timestampArrayLength);
for (var index = 0; index < timestampArray.length; index++) {
var byte = timestamp & 0xff;
timestampArray[index] = byte;
timestamp = (timestamp - byte) / 256;
return timestampArray;
We provide the following function in order to generate an unique recordingId, this is to be used if connection comes from a browser.
* @tag AigentConnector
* @summary generate unique recording identifier.
* @description generate uuidv4 using xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx schema
* @param {code} integer. Message type id
* @param {payload} Uint8Array. Data being sent
* @response uuid string value
function generateRecordingId() {
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, c => {
const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
const v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
return v.toString(16);
Alternatively you can use the uuid library: npm: uuid
* @tag AigentConnector
* @summary metadata message type
* @description defines a metadata message type of send method
const codeMetadata = 1;
* @tag AigentConnector
* @summary voice message type
* @description defines a voice message type of send method
const codeVoice = 2;
* @tag AigentConnector
* @summary flush message type
* @description defines a message to be sent at the end of the call to flush the buffer and receive the best results
const codeFlush = 3;
The content of the metadata will look like this:
const unique-recording-id = generateRecordingId(),
Example of Agent Data:
voice: {
'channel': 'agent', // client|agent (mandatory field)
'recordingId': 'unique-recording-id' // (mandatory field, must be unique per a recording)
'codec': 's16le', // (mandatory field s16le is a specific wav format used by our transcription engine.)
'samplingRate': 8000, // (mandatory field)
'direction': 'inbound', // inbound|outbound (inbound is default)
'agentId': '100900', // (optional field)
'category': 'catogory-of-program', // VDN (optional field)
'ani': 'client-phone-number', // (optional field)
'agentAni': 'agent-phone-number', // (optional field)
'programId': 'program-id', // (optional field)
Example of Client Data:
voice: {
'channel': 'client', // client|agent (mandatory field)
'recordingId': 'unique-recording-id' // (mandatory field, must be unique per a recording)
'codec': 's16le', // (mandatory field s16le is a specific wav format used by our transcription engine.)
'samplingRate': 8000, // (mandatory field)
'direction': 'inbound', // inbound|outbound (inbound is default)
'agentId': '100900', // (optional field)
'category': 'catogory-of-program', // VDN (optional field)
'ani': 'client-phone-number', // (optional field)
'agentAni': 'agent-phone-number', // (optional field)
'programId': 'program-id', // (optional field)
The metadata is encoded with the codeMetadata variable and sent through the websocket
encode(codeMetadata, metadataObj)
The audio is encoded besides the codeVoice
encode(codeVoice, audioData)
when you are done sending audio, to flush the buffers of kaldi server you should send a code flush.
sendFlush() {
const payload = new Uint8Array(1);
console.log("Connector: send flush");
if (!this.isConnected() || (this.buffer && this.buffer.length > 0)) {
/** buffer voice until previous voice data is transmitted via socket */
this.buffer && this.buffer.push({ code: codeFlush, payload: payload });
} else {
this.sendCode(codeVoice, payload);
This will also handle the initiation of the closing sequence of the websocket after the flush message is sent.
As a response we will send incremental transcriptions. Meaning that while the audio is sent responses with more and more of the call will be received. e.g. response 1:
transcription: "hello "
response 2:
transcription: "Hello, this is your customer"
The transcription returned will be unmasked.