Hello there This project is a datacamp practice project that I have done while studying the data scientist with R track :)
The Nobel prize is the world's most well known scientific award. Apart from the honor , prestige and substantial prize money the recipient also gets a gold medal showing Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) who established the prize. Every year it's given to scientists and scholars in the categories chemistry, literature, physics, physiology or medicine, economics, and peace.In this project , I'll be analyzing a dataset containing information about nobel prize winners. The dataset includes details such as prize category, prize share , full name of the prize winner among other details. Our project will consist of the following steps:
📊 Data collection: The data is collected from Datacamp.
🧹Data inspection: checking the data types , missing values etc..
🕵️♂️ Exploratory data analysis: We'll analyze the data to understand
- Setting up our working environment: R & Jupyter Notebook
- Data Inspection: Data understanding , checking data types and missing values
- Exploratory Data Analysis: used data answer questions.