The ITI summer training provided sufficient knowledge of the Flutter framework, enabling me to create cross-platform mobile applications with all specifications. I learned a lot about the different types of widgets, used several packages, and dealt with technologies such as HTTP request and state Management. I was also able to use Firebase, which enables me to save and protect user data and store data on it I also had an experience during training by participating with some of my training colleagues in a graduation project training by creating an E-store application.
- Understand Dart programming language basics: syntax, data types, control flow, functions, and object-oriented programming concepts.
- Introducing you to the Flutter framework, its architecture, and how it works.
- Explore built-in UI widgets: buttons, text fields, images, etc., and layout widgets like Row, Column, and Stack.
- Implement Navigation Between Screens and discover techniques for efficient data passing between screens.
- Building a navigation bar to enhance user experience and app usability.
- Explore the vast ecosystem of Flutter packages, and learn how to integrate them into the projects to optimize app performance.
- learn about data persistence using a shared preferences package.
- Expertise in making HTTP requests, parsing JSON data, handling asynchronous operations, and using the Dio package.
- Acquire proficiency in state management for Flutter applications.
- Learn how to integrate Firebase services, such as authentication, and realtime database into your Flutter app.