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In this project, there is a best practice demonstration project in the Example folder for you to build your own business capabilities.

To experience functions of the ChatroomUIKit, you can scan the following QR code to try a demo.


This guide presents an overview and usage examples of the ChatroomUIKit framework in Android development, and describes various components and features of this UIKit, enabling developers to have a good understanding of the UIKit and make effective use of it.

  • Jetpack Compose that requires minimum Android API 21 (Android 5.0)
  • Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1 or higher
  • Use kotlin language
  • JDK 1.8 or higher
  • Gradle 7.0.0 or higher

You can use build.gradle to import the ChatroomUIKit library as a dependency for app projects.

Locate the downloaded ChatroomUIKit module to import ChatroomUIKit and ChatroomService modules to the project.

  1. Open your project in Android Studio.

  2. Choose File > import Module.

  3. Search for ChatroomUIKit and select it.

// settings.gradle
include ':ChatroomUIKit'
include ':ChatroomService'
project(':ChatroomUIKit').projectDir = new File('./ChatroomUIKit/ChatroomUIKit')
project(':ChatroomService').projectDir = new File('./ChatroomUIKit/ChatroomService')

// app/build.gradle
dependencies {
  implementation(project(mapOf("path" to ":ChatroomUIKit")))

Add the following code line to build.gradle:(Click here for the latest version

//Take version 1.1.0 as an example
implementation ("io.hyphenate:ease-chatroomui-kit:1.1.0")
┌─ Example                               // Sample demo directory
│  ├─ ChatroomListActivity               // Mainly providing room list Activity.
│  ├─ ChatroomActivity                   // Displaying ChatroomUIKit chatroom Activity.
│  ├─ compose                            // Sample demo.
│  ├─ http                               // Encapsulated network requests for interaction with app services.
│  └─ SplashActivity                     // Program launch page.
└─ ChatroomUIKit            
       ├─ compose                        // UI Compose (Bottom toolbar, message list, gift list, and bottom drawer).
       ├─ theme                          // Resource files providing properties such as colors, fonts, themes, gradients, and sizes required for the project.  
       ├─ viewModel                      // Data processing.
       ├─ widget                         // Input widget.
       ├─ ui                             // Search Activity. 
       └─ service                        // ChatroomUIKit protocol module.
          ├─ model                       // The entity objects used by ChatroomUIKit (user, room information, and configuration information).
          ├─ service                     // The protocols and protocol implementations used by ChatroomUIKit (room protocol, user protocol, and gift protocol).
          │    ├─ ChatroomService                //ChatroomUIKit protocol module.       
          │    └─ Protocol                        
          │         ├─ GiftService              // Gift sending and receiving channel.
          │         ├─ UserService              // Component for user login and user attribute update.
          │         └─ ChatroomService          // Component for implementing the protocol for chat room management, including joining and leaving the chat room and sending and receiving messages.
          └─ ChatroomUIKitClient                // ChatroomUIKit initialization class.

This guide provides several usage examples for different ChatroomUIKit components. Refer to the Examples folder for detailed code snippets and projects showing various use cases.

Refer to the following steps to run the Android platform application in Android Studio:

  1. Download the demo to the local file.
  2. Configure CHATROOM_APP_KEY and REQUEST_HOST in the folder in the root directory.
  3. Run the demo.
class ChatroomApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {

        val chatroomUIKitOptions = ChatroomUIKitOptions(
            uiOptions = UiOptions(
                targetLanguageList = listOf(GlobalConfig.targetLanguage.code),
                useGiftsInList = false,

            applicationContext = this,
            options = chatroomUIKitOptions,
            appKey = BuildConfig.CHATROOM_APP_KEY
// Log in to the ChatroomUIKit with the user information of the current user object that conforms to the `UserInfoProtocol` protocol.
// The token needs to be obtained from your app server. You can also log in with a temporary token generated on the Agora Console.
// To generate a user and a temporary user token on the Agora Console, see
ChatroomUIKitClient.getInstance().login("user id","token")
// 1. Get a chat room list and join a chat room. Alternatively, create a chat room on the Agora Console.
// 2. Load ComposeChatroom with setContent in activity. ComposeChatroom is a fully packaged chatroom scenario component. 
// 3. Set the parameters required for ComposeChatroom.
// 4. Add users to the chat room on the Console.
// Choose Project Management > Operation Management > Chat Room. Select View Chat Room Members in the Action column of a chat room and add users to the chat room in the displayed dialog box.  
// 5. Load the ComposeChatroom view and pass in the roomId and the UserEntity object of the room owner.
class ChatroomActivity : ComponentActivity(){
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            ComposeChatroom(roomId = roomId,roomOwner = ownerInfo)


Here are three examples of advanced usage.

    val chatroomUIKitOptions = ChatroomUIKitOptions(
    chatOptions = ChatSDKOptions(),
    uiOptions = UiOptions(
        targetLanguageList = listOf(GlobalConfig.targetLanguage.code),
        useGiftsInList = false,

ChatroomUIKitClient.getInstance().setUp(applicationContext = applicationContext,appKey = "Your AppKey",options = chatroomUIKitOptions)
class YourAppUser: UserInfoProtocol {
    var userId: String = "your application user id"

    var nickName: String = "you user nick name"

    var avatarURL: String = "you user avatar url"

    var gender: Int = 1

    var identity: String =  "you user level symbol url"

// Use the user information of the current user object that conforms to the UserInfoProtocol protocol to log in to ChatroomUIKit.
// You need to get a user token from your app server. Alternatively, you can use a temporary token. To generate a temporary token, visit
ChatroomUIKitClient.getInstance().login(YourAppUser, token, onSuccess = {}, onError = {code,error ->})

You can call the registerRoomResultListener method to listen for ChatroomUIKit events and errors.

// Modify a configurable item in UiOptions. For example, you can configure useGiftsInList in UiOptions to determine whether gifts are displayed in the message list. 
val chatroomUIKitOptions = ChatroomUIKitOptions(
      uiOptions = UiOptions(
      targetLanguageList = listOf(GlobalConfig.targetLanguage.code),
      useGiftsInList = false,

// Modify a configurable item in ViewModel. For example, you can modify configuration items in MessageListViewModel to determine whether to display the time and avatar.
class MessageListViewModel(
  private val isDarkTheme: Boolean? = false,
  private val showDateSeparators: Boolean = true,
  private val showLabel: Boolean = true,
  private val showAvatar: Boolean = true,
  private val roomId: String,
  private val chatService: UIChatroomService,
  private val composeChatListController: ComposeChatListController

You can update the theme-related configurable items to customize the theme. If no configurable item is modified, you can use the default theme.

fun ChatroomUIKitTheme(
    isDarkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
    colors: UIColors = if (!isDarkTheme) UIColors.defaultColors() else UIColors.defaultDarkColors(),
    shapes: UIShapes = UIShapes.defaultShapes(),
    dimens: UIDimens = UIDimens.defaultDimens(),
    typography: UITypography = UITypography.defaultTypography(),
    content: @Composable () -> Unit

The following figure presents the entire logic of business requests and callbacks.

Overall flow diagram of business logic

The following figure is the best-practice API calling sequence diagram in the Example project.


For any questions about design guidelines and details, you can add comments to the Figma design draft and mention our designer Stevie Jiang.

See the UI design drawing.

See the UI design guidelines

Contributions and feedback are welcome! For any issues or improvement suggestions, you can open an issue or submit a pull request.


ChatroomUIKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


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