Type: Ingestion
Method: POST /zapier HTTP/1.1
Host: https://api.verse.io/v1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-API-KEY: <Your Api Key>
The requests for the creation of a lead in Verse.io has the following possible parameters
"firstName" : "Buzz",
"lastName" : "Aldrin",
"email" : "buzzaldrin@verse.io",
"phoneNumber" : "619-123-4567",
"type" : "buyer",
"street" : "101 West Broadway",
"city" : "San Diego",
"state" : "CA",
"postalCode" : "92101",
"leadComment" : "Example Lead Comment",
"channelWebsite" : "Verse",
"zapierLeadId" : "f30d896a-1317-4814-88ca-ff71c40bead", // Should be used to reference your lead in your system.
"agent.firstName" : "James",
"agent.lastName" : "Bond",
"agent.email" : "007@verse.io",
"agent.phone" : "700-070-0707",
"agent.calendly" : "https://calendly.com/verse007",
"agent.teamName" : "007",
"customFields" : {}
key : 'firstName',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(First Name)',
label : 'First Name',
key : 'lastName',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(Last Name)',
label : 'Last Name',
key : 'email',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(Email)',
label : 'Email',
key : 'phoneNumber',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(Phone Number) Enter the lead\'s phone number',
label : 'Phone Number',
required: true,
key : 'type',
type : 'string',
label : 'Lead Type',
choices : {
buyer : 'buyer',
seller : 'seller',
mortgage : 'mortgage',
refi : 'refi',
key : 'street',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(Street Address)',
label : 'Street Address',
key : 'city',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(City)',
label : 'City',
key : 'state',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(State)',
label : 'State',
key : 'postalCode',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(Postal Code) Valid postal codes for US and Canada only',
label : 'Postal Code',
key : 'leadComment',
type : 'text',
helpText: '(Lead Comment) Can be any value - field is capped at 1024 characters.',
label : 'Lead Comment',
key : 'channelWebsite',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(Lead Source)',
label : 'Lead Source',
key : 'zapierLeadId',
type : 'string',
helpText: '(External Lead Id) Should be used to reference your lead in your system.',
label : 'External Lead Id',
key: 'agent.firstName',
type: 'string',
helpText: '(Owner First Name)',
label: 'Owner First Name'
key: 'agent.lastName',
type: 'string',
helpText: '(Owner Last Name)',
label: 'Owner Last Name'
key: 'agent.email',
type: 'string',
helpText: '(Owner Email)',
label: 'Owner Email'
key: 'agent.phone',
type: 'string',
helpText: '(Phone Number) - E164 preferred',
label: 'Owner Phone Number'
key: 'agent.calendly',
type: 'string',
helpText: '(Calendar Integration Link)',
label: 'Owner Calendar Integration Link',
key: 'agent.teamName',
type: 'string',
helpText: '(Owner Team Name)',
label: 'Owner Team Name'
key: 'customFields',
type: 'object<string:string>',
helpText: '(Custom Field) Additional information',
label: 'Custom Fields'
The response will contain an UUID V4 which is the ID for the lead if it is created and not blocked based on duplication rules and other user settings
"id": "cfdc10f0-f7ae-49f6-8343-b651f4620cbc"
There are 4 types of notifications
: Triggered for all activity related to your lead (Lead Created, Notes, Messages, Calls, Emails, and (Un)Qualification).
: triggered when a lead is created. This is useful to be notified when you receive inbound calls.
: Triggered when a lead is qualified. This will include all the Custom Questions answered
: Triggered when a lead is unqualified. This will include all the Custom Questions answered and the reasonUnqualified
Type: Outbound Webhook
Method: POST /{your url}
Header: Authentication Bearer Token
Host: https://{your url}
Example 1.
id : "5261a2b5-ddf7-11e8-ba7d-0a04f6df74e2",
channelWebsite : "Some WEbsite",
city : "Yadkinville",
email : "buzz@yahoo.com",
externalLeadId : "5261a2b5-ddf7-11e8-ba7d-0a04f6df74e1",
firstName : "Katrina",
lastName : "Jones",
leadComment : "Katrina is working with an agent and is not interested in our services.",
leadType : "seller",
link : "https://app.verse.io/leads/5261a2b5-ddf7-11e8-ba7d-0a04f6df74e2",
message : "Outbound Forwarded",
phone : "(619) 426-8081",
postalCode : null,
state : "NC",
street : "Yadkinville",
title : "Verse Activity Log",
event : "lead_activity",
userId : "3fc665d4-4016-4f95-a9f4-374530d41640",
customQuestions : {},
customerFields : {},
owner : {
"firstName" : "James",
"lastName" : "Bond",
"email" : "007@verse.io",
"phone" : "700-070-0707",
"calendly" : "https://calendly.com/verse007",
"teamName" : "007"
Example 2.
channelWebsite : "Some WEbsite",
city : "Yadkinville",
email : "buzz@yahoo.com",
externalLeadId : "5261a2b5-ddf7-11e8-ba7d-0a04f6df74e1",
firstName : "Katrina",
id : "5261a2b5-ddf7-11e8-ba7d-0a04f6df74e2",
lastName : "Jones",
leadComment : "Katrina is working with an agent and is not interested in our services.",
leadType : "seller",
link : "https://app.verse.io/leads/5261a2b5-ddf7-11e8-ba7d-0a04f6df74e2",
message : "We've Unqualified this lead for the following reason: {reason_unqualified}",
phone : "(336) 426-8081",
postalCode : null,
state : "NC",
street : "Yadkinville",
title : "Unqualified Lead",
event : "lead_unqualify",
userId : "3fc665d4-4016-4f95-a9f4-374530d41640",
customQuestions : {},
customerFields : {},
owner : null,
key: 'channelWebsite',
label: 'Lead Channel Website',
type: 'string',
key: 'city',
label: 'Lead City',
type: 'string',
key: 'email',
label: 'Lead Email',
type: 'string',
key: 'externalLeadId',
label: 'External Lead Id',
type: ["string", null],
key: 'firstName',
label: 'Lead First Name',
type: 'string',
key: 'id',
label: 'Lead Id',
type: 'string<uuid>',
key: 'lastName',
label: 'Lead Last Name',
type: 'string',
key: 'leadComment',
label: 'Lead Comment',
type: 'string',
key: 'leadType',
label: 'Lead Type',
type: 'string',
key: 'link',
label: 'Lead Link',
type: 'string',
key: 'message',
label: 'Message of the webhook - dynamic',
type: 'string',
key: 'postalCode',
label: 'Lead Postal Code',
type: 'string',
key: 'state',
label: 'Lead State',
type: 'string',
key: 'street',
label: 'Lead Street Address',
type: 'string',
key: 'reasonUnqualified',
label : 'Lead Reason Unqualified',
note: '{reasonUnqualified} is dynamic and only is applied to lead_unqualify and lead_activity when the lead is unqualified',
type: 'string',
key: 'customQuestions',
label: 'Custom Questions',
type: 'object<string:string>',
key: 'customFields',
label: 'Custom Fields',
type: 'object<string:string>',
key: 'owner',
label: 'Dynamic Owner (if there is one)',
type: 'object<string:string>',
key: 'title',
label: 'Verse Type',
enum: [
"Lead Created",
"Qualified Lead",
"Unqualified Lead",
"Inbound SMS",
"Outbound SMS",
"Concierge Note",
"Outbound Email",
"Inbound Email",
"Outbound Call Attempt",
"Inbound Call Received",
"Live Transfer Attempt",
"Call Forwarded"
key: 'event',
label: 'Verse Event'
enum : [
key: 'userId',
label: 'Verse User ID'
HTTP response codes are used to determine the status of an API request.
Code | Explanation |
200 | Successful request |
400 | Mal-formed request could not be processed |
401 | Missing or invalid authentication key/token |
403 | Authentication key/token does not have required permissions for this request |
404 | Requested resource could not be found |
409 | Requested conflicts with another request |
422 | Well-formed request could not be processed |
429 | Request has exceeded API rate limit |
5xx | Verse server error |