Advent Of Vue is a series of 24 Vue coding challenges that are sent out every day from December 1 to December 24 via a dedicated newsletter. If you'd like to receive more of these puzzles in the future, go ahead and sign up!
'Tis the season for Christmas music! Unfortunately, the grumpy ol' grinch has snuck in and stolen some code from our festive Christmas radio.
The looted code used to live in composables/useCurrentTrack.vue
and was centered around interacting with the useMediaControls composable from VueUse.
Fill in the missing code (marked with //greasy grinch footprints!
) to get the radio working again.
If you're up for a super tricky but entertaining challege, wipe out app.vue completely and come up with a Christmas Radio of your own! 🚀
This challenge was created by Daniel Kelly, lead instructor at Vue School.
Learn more about VueUse from our premium video course: VueUse for Everyone! Plus learn other hot Vue technologies like Pinia, Vitest, TypeScript, Nuxt 3, and more!
Based on a Stackblitz project by tony19