Visit our website: MediConnect
Role | Password | |
Admin | | Adnan27AA@ |
Seller | | Adnan27AA@ |
Welcome to the E-Commerce Medicine Shop! This website is your one-stop destination for purchasing medicines online with ease and reliability.
User Authentication: Secure sign-up, login, and social login with Google and GitHub.
Dynamic Navbar: Shows profile picture and dropdown for logged-in users.
Product Slider: Admin-controlled featured medicine slides.Category Cards: Displays categories with medicine count, navigates to detailed category pages.
Discount Products: Draggable slider for discounted products.Shop Page: Table view of all medicines, with modal for details and add-to-cart option.
Cart Management: View, adjust quantities, remove items, and checkout with Stripe payment.
Admin Dashboard: Manage users, categories, payments, sales reports, and homepage slider.
Seller Dashboard: Manage medicines, view payment history, and request advertisements.
User Dashboard: View payment history with transaction details.
Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly and responsive across all devices.
Search and Sort: Pagination, price sorting, and search functionality in all tables.
Secure Access: Tokens stored in local storage, verified on private route API calls.
React Hook Form: Efficient form handling.