Hand Rank calculator for Doomtown Reloaded decks
Takes a Doomtown deck and determines the average hand rank and hand rank breakdown for a given amount of stud bullets.
python DoomtownDraw.py filename
Filename must include a complete path to the file if not run from the same directory as DoomtownDraw.py
--stud X : X is the number of stud bullets in your posse. The default is 2.
--iterations X: X is the number of iterations to simulate. The higher this value, the less uncertainty on the average but the longer it will take to calculate. The default is 10000.
--lowball: Calculates the hand ranks for lowball. In this case, jokers are used negatively (i.e. they do not complete sets) and stud parameter is not used (although the --stud parameter may still be given but is not used and is effectively 0).
--debug: Prints debugging information.
1 card per line. Cards must be given in the following format Value,Suit. Value is a value from 1 (Ace) to 13 (King). Suit is C (Clubs), D (Diamonds), H (Hearts), S (Spades).
Regular Jokers are represented by just the text 'Joker'. Devil's Jokers (from The Light Shineth) are represented by the text 'Devils Joker'.
Minimum of 46 cards (108 may start with 6 starting dudes in a 52 card deck), maximum of 54 cards and 2 Jokers.