A CLI tool scanning folders, filtering files and building M3U
To install it from this source, use the following script. NB: $GOPATH/bin
needs to be in your PATH
make install
Then call it, specifying at its only argument the configuration file to use.
m3ugen path/to/configuration_file.yaml
Example configuration file (more options are available, but not that relevant to common use, see config.go):
# Path to the output m3u file.
output: example.m3u
# Will display detailed, but not debug information.
# (`debug` shows even more than `verbose`)
verbose: true # Optional. Default: false.
debug: false # Optional. Default: false.
# Will randomize the output list
randomize: true
# Limits the number of entries in the playlist.
maximum: 20
# List of folders to scan
# eg: Will list all files in and under `foo` and `bar`.
- ./test_folder_to_scan/foo
- ./test_folder_to_scan/bar
# List of file extensions to scan for.
# eg: Will output only `*.mp4` and `*.mpg` in the playlist.
- mp4
- mpg
A useful set of scripts are available through the make
make Script |
Description |
build |
Build the main CLI command (cmd/m3ugen ). |
test |
Run all the automatic tests in the project. |
lint |
Perform go vet and additional lint tools to ensure best practices. |
check |
Good to run before committing. Cleans up the cache, builds, lints, and runs tests. |
make check