pylytic is a lightweight and flexible Python library designed to facilitate evaluating mathematical expressions and performing calculations efficiently, the pylytic library is focused on the implementation of math methods and evaluation of complex arithemetic expressions. It leverages mathematical algorithms such as CORDIC, INV_CORDIC and Newton-Raphson methods to perform computations. This library is ideal for developers, researchers, and enthusiasts seeking optimized solutions for mathematical operations.
Evaluates mathematical expressions
Contains mathematical functions
Stores Constants required for eval and m_eval
Includes decorator used to validate types passed as arguments to functions
To install pylytic
, simply use pip:
pip install pylytic
Or install directly from this repository
pip install git+
is a module in the pylytic library used to evaluate mathematical expressions.
- Mathematical expression evaluation: Accurate evaluation of mathematical expressions
Here is a quick example to get started:
from pylytic import eval
expr_result = eval.eval_complex(expr="1.725 * cosech(log(0.784 + atan(0.459)) + 4P(2)C(7) / 3!) + cot(40) * asec(9.5 * 7 - 5) - -(sinh(1.5) + 2 ^ ln(0.75))",
mode="deg", logarithmic_base=10)
represents the expression to be evaluated, expression is strictly of type str
represents the mode in which the expression is to be evaluated, defaults to deg (as in degrees), also supports
rad (radians) and grad (gradians)
the base in which the expression is to be evaluated, defaults to base 10
is a module in the pylytic library which contains mathematical functions
- Trigonometric Evaluations: Efficient computation of sine, cosine, tangent, and their inverses using the CORDIC algorithm.
- Square Root Calculation: High-precision square root evaluation leveraging the Newton-Raphson method.
- Robust Error Handling: Gracefully handles invalid inputs and computational errors.
Here's a quick example to get started:
from pylytic import m_eval
result = m_eval.sin(angle=45, mode="rad")
print("Result: ", result)
from pylytic import m_eval
result = m_eval.cosech(1.715)
print("Result:", result)
from pylytic import m_eval
logarithm = m_eval.log(x=0.857, base=2.7182818285)
natural_log = m_eval.ln(value=75.5)
print(logarithm, natural_log)
sin, cos, tan, sec, cosec, cot, asin, acos, atan, asec, acosec, acot, sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, cosech, coth, asinh, acosh, atanh, acosech, asech, acoth, log, ln, log10, power, factorial, perm, comb, abs
represents arc
represents permutation, the format for writing permutation is 5P(2) not 5P2
represents combination, the format for writing combination is 5C(2) not 5C2
The CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) algorithm is a method used for calculating trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions, and square roots. It operates through iterative rotations to converge on the desired result efficiently.
An inverse version of the CORDIC algorithm used for calculating inverse trigonometric functions like arcsine, arccosine....
A root-finding algorithm used here for high-precision computation of square roots and more. The method iteratively refines an initial guess to converge on an accurate result.
Copyright (c) 2024-present, Adeleke Adedeji
Contributions are highly welcomed! If you'd like to add new features or fix bugs, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Adeleke Adedeji
Feel free to reach out with questions or feedback!
Contact details:
- Extend support for additional mathematical functions.
- Improve performance for large-scale computations.
- Extension to evaluate matrix operations and vectors.
- Add visualization tools for computational workflows.
Special thanks to the mathematicians and computer scientists whose work inspired the algorithms used in this library.