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@billhenn billhenn released this 06 May 19:03
· 7 commits to develop since this release


  • Added the Card control, which displayed grouped information for a single subject.
  • Added the CircularProgressBar control, which renders a progress percentage in a ring shape using fluent animations, and also supports an indeterminate state.
  • Added the InfoBar control, which displays essential information to a user without disrupting the user flow.
  • Added the SegmentedBar control, which can be used to select a single item with fluent animations.
  • Added the SettingsCard, SettingsExpander, and SettingsGroup controls, which can be used to organize and present configurable settings.
  • Added UserPromptBuilder.Tag property and WithTag method for storing arbitrary data.
  • Updated Avatar control styles to prevent button-related style class names (e.g., 'theme-solid', 'theme-link') from changing the Avatar theme.
  • Updated BadgeAdorner to automatically bind Badge.DataContext to the adorned element's DataContext when Badge.DataContext is null.
  • Updated BadgeAdorner to enable clipping when the Badge is within the bounds of the adorned element and disable clipping when outside the bounds.
  • Renamed UserPromptControl's FooterImage and StatusImage properties as FooterImageSource and StatusImageSource.
  • Fixed a possible exception when assinging the owner of a UserPromptWindow if the explicit owner was undefined and the coerced owner was invalid.


  • Added the ThemeProperties.ToggleSwitchHasFarAffinityProperty attached property with updated ToggleSwitch theme to allow the knob/track of a ToggleSwitch to be arranged on the right side of the control instead of the left.
  • Updated native control themes with changes in Avalonia through v11.0.10.
  • Adjusted the default font size ratios for smaller sizes.

Shared Library

  • Added the ScrollableOverflowPresenter control that displays scroll buttons when its content overflows the available space.
  • Added ShadowChrome.IsAnimationEnabled property which can be used to enable or disable animated property transitions.
  • Added the ImageControlConverter value converter that can create an Image control for an IImage source.
  • Updated DegreeAngleAnimator to be registered as a custom animator in ModernTheme's static constructor.
  • Updated DynamicImage.DisabledOpacity so that it is relative to the control's opacity.
  • Updated HyperlinkTextBlock to support 'size-*' style classes.
  • Updated MeshGradientPresenter to work with Avalonia v11.1 API changes.
  • Updated ImageProvider's cloning of RadialGradientBrush instances to work with Avalonia v11.1 API changes.
  • Renamed ActiproSoftware.UI.Avalonia.Controls.Converters.ImageKeyToImageConverter as ImageKeyToImageSourceConverter.
  • Renamed ActiproSoftware.UI.Avalonia.Media.SharedImageKeys as SharedImageSourceKeys.


  • Updated the minimum Avalonia UI dependency from v11.0.5 to v11.0.7.