Show console.log
messages on screen.
See demo and full documentation here.
Include the JavaScript file in HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="showlog.js"></script>
Showlog will start automatically.
Use console.log
as usual and the message will get displayed on screen.
Stop logging messages on screen with the stop method:
Start logging messages on screen with the start method:
Display messages on screen only with the log method:
A boolean attached to showlog tells whether Showlog is running or not:
showlog.running // true or false
I needed to debug JavaScript code on mobile. I had the following requirements:
- Basic logging: display simple messages to allow for log and hunt debugging. Automatic object formatting is not included.
- Minimal setup: on-screen logging should start by simply dropping a JavaScript file into HTML. No initialization code should be required.
- Minimal UI: messages should use as little screen real estate as possible. On-screen messages should not take pointer events or interfere with the user input.
- No harm: the native behavior of console.log should not be altered. Specifically, the browser’s console object formatting should not be modified in any way.
- Screenlog.js, Kushagra Gour, 2015.
Screenlog.js is the closest in spirit to what I was looking for. However, the on-screen panel is bigger than what I need and it takes user input. Moreover, because screenlog.js does some work on the message passed to console.log in order to format objects, the browser’s native console formatting is altered.
- mobileConsole, Klaas Leussink, 2016.
mobileConsole spawns an entire custom console on screen. Impressive but overkill for my needs.
Showlog.js is published under the GNU General Public License.