This Python script utilizes the Pillow and MoviePy libraries to remove Exif data from images and videos. It provides a user-friendly interface using the tkinter library to select the file for processing. The script automatically detects the file type (image or video) and creates a copy of the file without Exif data in a specified folder.
• Pillow: Python image processing library.
•MoviePy: Python library for video editing.
$ pip install Pillow moviepy
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev
$ pip3 install Pillow moviepy
- Run the Python script.
$ python
$ python3
- A dialog box will open to select the file for processing.
- The script will create a copy of the file without Exif data in the specified folder.
❓ The script is in French ❓