Link to project deployed with netlify. Live demo here
- General Information
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshot
- Installation and Setup Instructions
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
I created this movie search app using The MovieDB API. The app has a trending page, a movies page, a tv series page, and a search page. This project uses react-routing, MUI, CSS and react hooks, React Alice Carousel and Axios.
To practice web design and routing.
- ReactJS
- JavaScript
- React Hooks
- Webkit
- MovieDB API
- React Alice Carousel
- React Router Dom
- Axios
- React-routing.
- A Trending page.
- A Movies page
- A TV Series page
- A Search page
- Modal that presents detailed infor about media
- The ability to filter media by category
- The ability to search Movies or TV Series
- Pagination
- Responsive design
Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm
installed globally on your machine.
npm install
To Run Test Suite:
npm test
To Start Server:
npm start
To Visit App:
Trending Page
- The trending page displays movies trending during the week from The MovieDB API with pagination.
Movies Page
- The movies page displays movies from The MovieDB API. You can sort through the movies from the categories chips at the top. Each movie poster displays a color coded ratings badge.
TV Series Page
- The tv series page displays series from The MovieDB API. You can sort through the series from the categories chips at the top. Each series poster displays a color coded ratings badge.
Search Page
- The search page displays a search bar and two tabs, one for movies and one for series.
- One clicking on any show a modal opens up displaying details about the show, a carousel of the actors, and a button that plays the show trailer.
Responsive Design
- This app has a responsive design.
Project is: Completed
- Enhance page design.
- Many thanks to the coding online community.
Created by Abeer Ahmed LinkedIn profile - feel free to contact me.