A Duo API implementation in C.
Auth - https://www.duosecurity.com/docs/authapi
Admin - https://www.duosecurity.com/docs/adminapi
Accounts - https://www.duosecurity.com/docs/accountsapi
Requires SSL development headers (i.e. libssl-dev
, openssl-devel
, etc.)
$ git clone https://github.com/duosecurity/libduo.git
$ ./configure
$ make
$ DUO_API_HOST=<host-here> DUO_IKEY=<ikey-here> DUO_SKEY=<skey-here> ./test-duologin <username>
$ DUO_API_HOST=<host-here> DUO_IKEY=<ikey-here> DUO_SKEY=<skey-here> ./test-duoapi
duoapi> GET /admin/v1/users [username=testuser]
{'response': [{'desktoptokens': [],
'email': '',
'groups': [],
'last_login': 1455305274,
'notes': '',
'phones': [{'activated': True,
'capabilities': ['push', 'sms', 'phone', 'mobile_otp'],
'extension': '',
'name': '',
'number': '+1123456789',
'platform': 'Google Android',
'postdelay': '',
'predelay': '',
'sms_passcodes_sent': True,
'type': 'Mobile'}],
'realname': '',
'status': 'active',
'tokens': [],
'username': 'testuser'}],
'stat': 'OK'}
Install cppcheck
$ cppcheck --quiet --force --suppressions-list=.false_positive.txt --error-exitcode=1 .
.false_positive.txt is a list of errors that were found to not be errors when running the above command for Cppcheck.