Automatic Vehicle Recharging Station (AVRS)
In the future when levle 5 autonomous vehicles exist, solutions will be needed to automate charging in order to create systems completely independent from human operation.
This Major Qualifying Project (MQP) aims to design, manufacure, and program such a system capable of opening the charging port flap and charging vehicle of different charging port types.
Advisors: Craig Putnam, Jie Fu Students: Matthew Fortmeyer, Nikolas Gamarra, Ryan O’Brien, Jacob Remz
- master.launch This is the most complete launch file. the arg "sim:=true" can be added if not connecting to the robot.
Currently launchs Kinect drivers, ROS-I, static Frame transofrmations, point cloud filtering,
roslaunch master_launcher master.launch
roslaunch master_launcher secondary_master.launch
- ROS-I Launch the ROS-I stack to connect to the robot and visualize in rviz:
roslaunch abb_irb1600_6_12_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:=
- motion_server This node recives action messages from the action client and sends motion requests to the ROS-I stack using move_group
roslaunch motion_server motion_server.launch
- motion_planning_client This node is the main controll node written in python. When in normal operation it will read an image and draw it on the white board. In debug mode it goes to manually prgorammed locations.
roslaunch motion_planning_client motion_client.launch
- point_cloud_processing Masages point cloud data (leafs,crops,removes outliers).
roslaunch point_cloud_processing point_cloud_processing.launch
- point_cloud_processing_experimental A playground for rapidly prototpying new point cloud filtering and interpretation.
roslaunch point_cloud_processing_experimental point_cloudv3.launch
- master_launcher Package with various micilanous launch files and launch files that launch others
- msgs Automatically generated custom msgs
to visualize the robot run
roslaunch abb_irb1600_6_12_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:=
roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch
roslaunch master_launcher simple_kinect.launch
ROS-I PCL Open CV MoveIt TRAC-IK Kinematics Solver
To clone with all dependend submodules git clone URL cd FOLDER git submodule init git submodule update
rosparam set cv_camera/device_id 0 rosrun cv_camera cv_camera_node
rm -r ~/Arduino/libraries/ros_lib rosrun rosserial_client make_libraries ~/Arduino/libraries