ASCOM Library Version 1.0.70
New features
- The Alpaca client user agent header product and version fields can now be set.
- Added Devices.IsValidDeviceType(string deviceTypeName) method to validate that a device name string matches one of the ASCOM device type names.
- Added Finder.BroadCastResponse method. This returns raw discovery responses from Alpaca devices and is a developer aid to help debug discovery during Alpaca device development.
Bug fixes
- Corrected the Alpaca client Switch device ID parameter name casing to match the online specification. (Was "ID" now "Id").
- The COM Telescope client will now ignore null TrackingRates values returned by devices.
- The Camera.AbortExposure remarks have been corrected.
- The Finder.CachedEndpoints help text has been corrected.
The library consists of five NuGet packages (search for ASCOM in your NuGet client):
- ASCOM.Alpaca.Components - ASCOM Alpaca Clients and Client Discovery Library.
- ASCOM.Alpaca.Device - Device / driver side discovery library.
- ASCOM.Com.Components - A .Net Standard (.Net Core / .Net 5+) access library for ASCOM COM drivers.
- ASCOM.Tools - A set of CrossPlatform tools for logging, settings and conversions.
- ASCOM.Common.Components - The types, interfaces and enums for the ASCOM CrossPlatform library.