Pathfinder is a web app which allows users to search for information on restaurants, shops, hospitals and many other kinds of location using google APIs. Users can save a favorite location. Users can also log in using a Google, Twitter or Github account and add a location and time to their diary.
- angular 1.5.0
- angular-route 1.5.0
- node 8.9.3
- express 4.16
- mongodb 2.2
- mongoose 4.13
- Google Places API Web Search -
- OAuth: passport 0.4, passport-twitter, passport-google-oauth20, passport-github
- build: npm, bower, babel
- logging: winston
- hosting: heroku, mlab
- uses mixture of angular controller and component styles
- data served from four Google API services: Text Search, Place Details, Place Photos and Geocode
- implements custom auto-complete functionality
- social login uses Google, Twitter and Github OAuth
- cloud data provider MLab used for development and production
- responsive CSS design
- uses browser caching of search results (local storage) for better UX
- client side errors logged to MLab
- written in ES6: client-side code transpiled to ES5 and minified with babel
npm run build:watch
- compile the front end source code in watch mode using babelnpm run server
- run the express server in watch modenpm run dev
- run the previous two commands concurrently
npm run build:prod
- run babel build with minificationnpm run server
- test the build locally- git commit and push
npm run deploy
- - css loaders / spinners
- to load in IE or Edge, use:
- css files are kept next to controllers for convenience but are global - use namespacing to apply style rules locally
- tested with: Chrome, Opera, Edge, IE11
- for testing Twitter oauth locally, use in env and address bar - Twitter app management will not accept localhost
- login with google in dev mode after deploy (Twitter and Github does not accept multiple refs)
- local storage set item should be wrapped in try / catch if data can exceed limit
- improve diary service