Hello, this is Anushka Kaimal. I live in Rajasthan, Jaipur and am currently studying as a CSE-AI first year student in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri.
Task | Task no | Status |
Install Ubuntu 20.04 [Desktop] | task-00 | Done |
Star all the amFOSS repositories | task-01 | Done |
Begin your journey with Linux and Git | task-02 | Done |
Programming | task-03 | 3 attempted |
Aerglo Mars | task-04 | Done |
Let me C | task-05 | Attempted |
Flutter based UI task | task-06 | Done |
Rich Scraper | task-07 | Attempted |
JSExplorer | task-08 | Done |
Setup a Simple Personal Website | task-09 | Attempted |
CS50 | task-10 | Till week 1 |
Poster Design | task-11 | Done |
Make the Block | task-12 | Done |
Circuit Design (for Hardware freaks) | task-13 | Done |
Bandit | task-14 | Done |
Project Euler (for math geeks) | task-15 | Unattempted |