- Amit Kesari (CS19B003)
- Anu Anand Annu (CS19B044)
Main starting file is gui.py located in phase 1 folder
The simulator supports the following MIPS instructions:
- add/sub
- bne/beq
- jmp
- lw/sw
- lui
- addi
- sll/srl
- li/la
- slt
- jr
- syscall
The simulator supports at least 4 KB of memory.
The simulator reads in an assembly file(.asm), executes the instructions, and in the end display the contents of the registers, and the memory.
Language used for development: Python.
The GUI for the simulator has been developed to be simplistic and functional using Tkinter.
Tries to point out syntax errors and shows erroneous line.
In phase 2, we are implementing pipeline so that the throughput can be increased.
The main file is pipeline.py in phas2 directory.
All 5 stages (IF, ID/RF, EX, MEM, WB) have been modularised.
Stalls (nop) have been added according to data dependencies only.
nop instructions are pushed into the next Hardware Unit whenever stalls are found.
Stalls are found on the basis of last three instructions performed.
Structural hazards have been removed assuming writing in 1st half of the cycle and reading in 2nd half of the cycle.
Without Data Forwarding:
- Stall will come after dependency, and instr will resume on same cycle after executing WB 2 stalls will come in case of dependency.
- With Data Forwarding: Stall will come but we can data forward in EXE-MEM for add, sub, etc....and in MEM-WB for lw, sw, etc... 0-1 stall will come in case of dependency.
We tried implementing all the 5 HW units as objects and tried to find and accumulate the stalls based on the data dependency between the instructions.
We tried to compare and jump to that instruction point in the ID/RF stage itself.
Enabling/Disabling of data forwarding is implemented which will be asked before running the program.
Data forwarding is done by updating EX_REGISTERS whenever execute operation is performed and used only when the data in it is different from original REGISTERS.
Work for GUI for this simulator is just started.
In phase 3, we are introducing L1 L2 levels of Cache
- The main file is gui.py which contains all the gui required for this project.
- File cache.py contains all the functions required for cache hits, replacements and stall returning.
- File pipeline.py contains all the functions required for pipelining.
- File simu.py contains all the functions required for simulation i.e., all the instructions of programming.
- A memory access will now first search for the address in the two caches. On a miss, the data will be fetched from the main memory.
- This simulator simulating 2 levels of cache, with LRU replacement policy and Cache inclusion policy is implemented.
- This effectively means that the memory instructions (load and stores) will not be completed in one cycle.
- Loads and Stores will have variable latency, and hence the penalty (stalls) due to the memory access is variable.
- Cache size, Associativity, No. of stalls and penalty can all be changed and simulated.
- At Once Execution button is for running the file.
- Upload a File button is for uploading the file. It is multiple executable. For each execution, a file must be uploaded.
- Cache Settings button is for changing the properties of the Cache. If not changed, it will remain default value. Default or updated values are shown in the bottom-most part of the gui.
- Forwarding checkbutton is for enabling/disabling the forwarding.
- On Line will show which line is being executed.
- There are two frames for displaying information.
- REGISTERS: It shows the data stored in Registers.
- MEMORY: It shows the data stored in Memories.
- USER TEXT: It shows the text of the text file uploaded which is to be executed.
- CONSOLE: It shows the data printed in the console.
- INFO: It shows the details of "Total Clock Cycles", "Total Stalls", "Total Cache Miss" and "IPC".
- Visualisation of Pipeling: It shows the details i.e., work done by each virtual hardware in each clock cycle.
- Cache Data: It shows the data stored in the Cache.
- Run gui.py.
- Dialog box will open.
- Upload a file from Upload a File button.
- Enable forwarding if required form Forwarding checkbutton.
- Change Cache properties from Cache Settings button if required.
- Steps 3, 4 and 5 can be done in any manner. It is written in most suitable way.
- Run the program by clicking on At Once Execution button.
- To execute again, repeat the steps from step 3.
- Step by Step Execution can be added.
- GUI can be made more interactive.
- Run time error detection can be added properly.