server side: express
client side: next.js
Install npm packages in both client/serverside
npm install
set up .env
file to store mySQL password
cd server-side
node initialize-database.js
which runs all sql script in intialize-test.sql
unzip the production_dataset.tar.gz
With the cleaned csv file, we can import the data in to our mysql database. We applied function “LOAD DATA INFILE ‘path’ INTO TABLE table_name” so that we can import one csv file for a table within a short period of time. In folder “productionDataset”, we created three files and implement them one by one.
InitializedProductionTable.sql: create table and schema for the database.
ImportProductionDataBase.sql: load the data in csv file to the table in database.
FinalizedDBWithTrigger.sql: Set up triggers so that further insertion and update can be automated.
cd client-side
npm run dev
cd server-side
nodemon(or node) index.js
POST /api/auth/signup
not create session cookie yet
POST /api/auth/login
create session cookie
DELETE /api/auth/logout
destroy session cookie
GET /api/business/search
GET /api/business/:bid
POST /api/business/:bid
POST /api/business/search
GET /api/review/:rid
PUT /api/review/:rid
DELETE /api/review/:rid
POST /api/review/:rid/cool
- fix all errors in authentication and added features to check invalid auth - Kebing
- fix authentication in business port - Kebing
- Build a search bar and implement the search query page function - Henry
- implement cool-button functionality - Kebing
- implement a designed search result page - Henry (/main)
- implement scroll-down mechanism (pagination) - Henry
- Implement a main search page - Henry
- fix reviews and cool - Kebing
- Integrate leave-review functionality - Kebing
- Add photo for Business - Kebing
- star distribution - Kebing
- add friend sql - Kebing
- Implement a profile page - Henry
- Add-friend UI (button) - Henry
- Fix the UI of the review in production database - Kebing
- Fix the UI of the star distribution - Kebing
- filter on own reviews - Kebing
- Add photo for Search result page - Kebing
- import production
- friend list on the profile page - henry
- add friend function - henry
- Integrate recommendation model to backend - Kebing