- About
- Live-demo
- Link for back-end repository
- Features
- How to use the application
- Getting started (Development)
- Launch the application
- Test the application
- Author
- Show your support
- Acknowledgments
- Issues
- 📝 License
In this application, I make a website to book appointments to try cars. The user can choose from a list of cars and fix a date and a city where to try the car. If the user has the admin privelege he can also create, edit, and delete a car. The user logs in and signs up to the application using Jjson Web Token.
To build this application we used:
- Javascript ES6;
- Html/CSS;
- React;
- Redux;
- React-Redux;
- Jest;
- Create React App;
- React Hooks;
- React Router
- Active Storage
- Linters ( eslint and stylelint)
- Log in, log out and sign up
- Show the list of cars;
- Show the list of the appointments of the user;
- Create a new car;
- Edit an existing car;
- Delete an existing car.
The Account of the admin is:
- email: youcefabdellani@gmail.com
- password: 123456
In this Application, on the home page, the user gets the informations about the COVID-19 statistics (cases, deaths, and recoveries). The user can use the filter form to change the results to be shown. If the user wants to get more details about a specific country, he can click on the name of that country in order to access a page of details. There he finds the information about the country:
- the capital of the country;
- the population in the country;
- the number of confirmed cases;
- the number of deaths due to COVID-19;
- the number of recoveries from COVID-19;
- the increase in the number of cases in the last 30 days;
- the increase in the number of deaths in the last 30 days.
To get a local copy of the repository please run the following commands on your terminal:
$ git clone git@github.com:ABDELLANI-Youcef/react-car-book-appointment.git
$ cd react-car-book-appointment
$ git checkout development
$ git branch feature-branch
$ git checkout feature-branch
After making the local copy of the repository:
- get inside the repository folder;
- setup the dependencies of the project: in the terminal run:
yarn install
- enter the command:
yarn start
to start the server in localhost. - then you get the application in the localhost in your web browser.
After making the local copy of the repository:
- get inside the repository folder;
- setup the dependencies of the project: in the terminal run:
yarn install
- enter the command:
yarn test
to test the application. - then you get the application tested.
In this application I test the components using the snapshots and I test the logical functions using jest.
Youcef Abdellani
- Github: @ABDELLANI-Youcef
- LinkedIn:LinkedIn
- Twitter:@YoucefAbdellani
Contributions, issues ,and feature requests are welcome!
Give an ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to stackoverflow community.
- Hat tip to Microverse TSE for Code Review
- Hat tip to Create React App
- Hat tip to Murat Korkmaz
- Hat tip to Heroku
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
If you would like to report an issue the link
All source code is available jointly under the MIT License. See MIT licence for details.