➢ Tire loss on impact
➢ Reduces torque based on current health
➢ Prevents crazy handling from low fuel
➢ Disables vehicle after heavy collisions
➢ Disables controls while airborne/flipped
➢ Repair/Wash item integration (clean, tire, engine)
Idle - 0.0ms
Driving - 0.0ms ~ 0.02ms
- ox_lib
- ox_inventory (Optional)
["cleaningkit"] = {
label = "Cleaning Kit",
weight = 250,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "A microfiber cloth with some soap will let your car sparkle again!",
client = {
image = "cleaningkit.png",
server = {
export = 'vehiclehandler.cleaningkit'
["tirekit"] = {
label = "Tire Kit",
weight = 250,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "A nice toolbox with stuff to repair your tire",
client = {
image = "tirekit.png",
server = {
export = 'vehiclehandler.tirekit'
["repairkit"] = {
label = "Repairkit",
weight = 2500,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "A nice toolbox with stuff to repair your vehicle",
client = {
image = "repairkit.png",
server = {
export = 'vehiclehandler.repairkit',
["advancedrepairkit"] = {
label = "Advanced Repairkit",
weight = 5000,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "A nice toolbox with stuff to repair your vehicle",
client = {
image = "advancedkit.png",
server = {
export = 'vehiclehandler.advancedrepairkit',