1.To run code of the front end you should have installed node js with latest version 2.Although all the necessary libraries of the complete react-app are given in node-modules but take care about the version 3.To run the code open app in vs code and give this command npm start 4.This will run our project and our react app will be launched in your browser 5.The working will be only visible if our express server will be running too to entertain our client requests
1.For running backend install node js , express, mongoose ,cors ,morgan ,body parser and other necessary packages if they are not installed and are indicated at run time 2.Install mongodb database server 3.Edit the connection string in db folder ,file named tasks.mjs, according to the connection string of your mongodb server, mostly the connection string is same as has been give in code 4.To run server , launch terminal and make sure the path should be current backend folder and by typing dir it should list all files and app.mjs file too 5.Type node --watch app.mjs or node app.mjs 6.Now go back to react-app and run it.