I am a postdoctoral associate at Morgridge Institute for Research working in biomedical imaging at the intersection of neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and high-performance computing. My work involves developing cutting-edge computer vision techniques to analyze 3D brain imaging data, with a focus on understanding how microglia - the brain’s immune cells - change during aging and disease. I'm interesting in scientific computing, especially with the Julia language.
I obtained my PhD from the University of Madison-Wisconsin in mathematical physics.
- 📫 Contact: gage.bonner@gmail.com
These packages were developed while I was a postdoctoral associate working in the nonlinear dynamics group at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami.
Sargassum.jl A fully featured Sargassum toolkit written in Julia, including physics and biology simulation, satellite data analysis and a zero-code interface.
UlamMethod.jl A package for discretizing trajectory data into a transition probability matrix using Ulam's method. It has been applied to undrogued drifter motion in the North Atlantic to study the motion of Sargassum.
TransitionPathTheory.jl A package which calculates basic and advanced statistics of transition path theory (TPT). These TPT statistics reveal new information about how a Markov process travels from a source to a target.
Kneedle.jl Find the "knee" (corner) in a dataset
(x, y)
, e.g. to find the optimal thresholding parameter in a sparse regression problem.