VHDL implementation of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function.
Encompasses the Compression Function aspects of BLAKE3 (see: BLAKE3 paper), other aspects of the algorithm are expected to be handled by a host device. This implementation is functional but likely not optimal or performant.
Includes an AXI4-Lite peripheral and an AXI4-Stream peripheral intended for DMA functionality, this has been successfully implemented onto an FPGA and tested on a Xilinx Zynq-7020 SoC.
implements the BLAKE3 Compression Function.axil_blake3.vhd
implements an AXI4-Lite slave peripheral.axis_blake3.vhd
implements an AXI4-Stream peripheral.- Testbenches are provide to validate basic functionality, intended for use with Xilinx Vivado and may require adaptation for other VHDL simulators.
All contents are licensed under the 3-Clause BSD license.