The AnchorOTA library enables over the air updates for the BW16 RTL8720DN boards. This library is written for BW16 but should work on similar boards too, maybe with some adjustments.
For this Library to work the Ameba Arduino Kit has to be installed:
A full guide on how to upload code to BW16 can be found here:
Download or Clone this repository and pull the folder into your Arduino libraries folder or use the 'Add .ZIP Libraries' function in the ArduinoIDE.
Start by going to File>Examples>AnchorOTA and chosing one of the examples provided by the library.
- otaBasic will have the chip waiting for you to send it updates
- otaCloud the chip will regularily request updates from a provided Ip address
- otaBasicNonBlock and otaCloudNonBlock contain the same functionalities as otaBasic and otaCoud but allow the program to continue while waiting for updates
Whichever example you chose, you will need to edit the sketch in the lines shown here by adding your WiFi SSID and Password.
char ssid[] = "yourNetwork"; // your network SSID
char pass[] = "secretPassword"; // your network password
In otaCloud you also have to add the IP of your server device.
If the guide in prerequisites has been followed, this should work. (If a successful upload to address 1 does not change the chip behavior, the reason might be an earlier ota update into ota address 2 which is always checked first by the bootloader. To fix use 'erase flash' feature of the Arduino IDE before uploading again.)
Use a new or modify the current sketch to recognize a successful update, e.g.
Serial.println("Updated bin");
Compile the file using 'Verify' in the ArduinoIDE.
The compiled binary can be found as km0_km4_image2.bin under:
Depending on the chosen example sketch the .bin file will have to be saved
- in the UploadServer folder if you used otaBasic
- in the DownloadServer folder if you used otaCloud
Edit start.bat to add the right port, ip address, and filename, or call the .exe directly.
UploadServer -f [filename] -i [chip ip address] -p [port]
DownloadServer [port] [filename]
Alternatively there are Python files with the same functionality in the respective folders.
Updating over the air should work infinite times, as long as the updated binaries contain OTA functionality.
- OTA Address 1: 0x006000
- OTA Address 2: 0x106000
- Address 2 is always checked first
- Images in the Address are always expected as image for chip km0 (low energy) first, image for chip km4 (high performance) second, that's why image km0_km4_image2.bin is needed
- km0_boot_all.bin or km4_boot_all.bin aren't needed after the first upload over serial port
- Images start with 8 signature bytes 0x35, 0x39, 0x31, 0x38, 0x31, 0x31, 0x37, 0x38 to communicate a valid image OR anything else for Invalid
- If an image with the 'valid' signature fails to load then booting the chip fails completely
- OTA Updates have to contain OTA update functions to preserve OTA update functionality
- First upload over Serial port saves in OTA Address 1; after that addresses have to be altered for every OTA
- Hard Fault Error likely means the program tried to overwrite an image that is currently in use; prevented by resetting image signature bytes in case of a failed OTA update
- Serial uploads write the image at Address 1. If an earlier OTA update was saved at Address 2 this will be booted. Erase Flash and upload again to fix.
- Sending an Image requires a file header with 3 Words (12 Bytes): Checksum, 0, Image Length (see python code, empty byte compatible to older versions?)
- All Image Words in little Endian (LSB First), Bytes in big Endian (MSB First)
- The checksum is calculated by adding up all bytes of the image, making use of overflows
General BW16 Docs:
Uploading Code to BW16:
OTA Explanations: