Set of configurations (ITU, 3GPP, Simulation) files for IMT-2020 Evalation
The system simulation depends on mainly three input configurations
- ITU-R M.2412 - IMT Parameters (Agnostic to technology) itucfg
- System parameters - Specific to 3GPP Technology nrcfg
- Simulation level paramters simcfg
- Master Config - Input, Output DIR to read and write files etc.,
@todo Explain the system based on ITU parameters.
Current Environment : `${itucfg.ENV}` Environment for Config-${itucfg.CONFIG} for the `${itucfg.SCENARIO}` Usage Scenario
Key Paramters : ISD = ${itucfg.ISD}m, Frequency = ${nrcfg.FcGHz*1000}MHz
Key 3GPP NR Parameters :
Electrical Tilt : ${nrcfg.ElectricalTilt}degree
BSAntennaConfig : [${nrcfg.BSAntennaConfig.join(",")}]