Collection of extensions to the doctrine2 ORM
- Controller Plugins
- EntityManagerProvider (entityManagerProvider) - Returns the orm_default entity manager
- AuthenticatedUserProvider (authenticatedUserProvider) - Gets the currently authenticated user (if any)
- InitFormPlugin (initForm) - Initializes forms that may need the entity manager. Also sets up a doctrine object hydrator.
- DataFixtures
- AddIfNotPresentTrait - Helper trait to make it easy to only add fixture entities if they aren't already present in the database
- Types
- UTCDateTime (
) type as per Doctrine Cookbook. Be careful when querying from this
- UTCDateTime (
- Gedmo Extensions
- Timestampable
- Extends Timestampable extension to support UTCDateTime (
should be used in place ofGedmo\Timestampable\TimestampableListener
in config files
- Extends Timestampable extension to support UTCDateTime (
- Timestampable
- Hydrators
- Single Column Hydrator
- Repositories
- SubclassRepositoryFactory that will return a repo that uses the most defined repo definition in the class hierarchy
- Traits
- UTCTimestampableEntity - Timestampable behaviour using UTCDateTime
- EntityManagerAwareTrait - Provides getters/setters for object to hold and instance of an EntityManager.
- Alias
- A smarter alias to use with the doctrine query builder. Allows building / chaining of multiple aliases for subquries.
- Repositories
To get The custom type working in skipper, you need to make a custom configuration file and include the following:
<ormd2-configuration xmlns:xsi="">
<orm-configuration name="Doctrine2">
<data-type name="utc_datetime"/>
Install Via composer.
Add DoctrineExtensions
to Modules in application.config.php
Copy to your configuration directory and rename to Modify as necessary.
Some of the unit tests depend on test classes from other modules. Use --prefer-source
when installing composer to run them.