A chatbot for CiviCRM. Integrates various chat services (e.g. Facebook messenger) so you can chat with your contacts.
- CiviCRM 5.x
- PHP 7.0
This extension is currently in beta. You are welcome to try it out but be prepared for a couple of bumps along the way. Please report any issues you have using the github issue tracker.
Note: this repository also contains chatbot-civirules an extension that provides integration between Chatbot with CiviRules. Please ensure that you have CiviRules installed before enabling this extension.
Read the docs at
Check out the chatbot-demo directory for a demonstration environment built using buildkit.
Tests can be run from the extension directory with:
CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests phpunit4 tests/phpunit
Development of the CiviCRM Chatbot extension has been generously funded by the National Democratic Institute.
It is maintained by Michael McAndrew from Third Sector Design who you can contact for help, support and further development.
It builds on, the excellent PHP chatbot framework by Marcel Pociot.
Contributions large and small are very welcome to this repository. For small changes, feel free to submit a pull request. For larger changes, its better to create an issue first so we can talk things through before you start.
This extension is licensed under AGPL-3.0.