Receive notifications on Telegram if your node misses attestations or block proposals
In Telegram, create a new bot by sending the /newbot
command to @BotFather. Provide a name and username to your bot, and you'll receive a token to access the http API
Send a message to your bot, and run this on a terminal: curl ""
. Extract the chat id
Edit lines 3-5 in monitor.nim and set the validators you want to monitor (up to 100), the chat id and telegram token
Compile monitor.nim
. If you have nimbus, you can use the following command: the/path/to/nimbus-eth2/ nim -d:ssl c monitor.nim
. This will generate the file monitor
git clone
cd nimbus-eth2 && make nimbus_beacon_node
./ nim -d:ssl c monitor.nim
Set up a cronjob by running crontab -e. Add this job:
*/6 * * * * /home/status/utils/monitor >> monitor-error.log
The free tier of API has a limit of 30K request per month. The monitor will execute 3 API requests every 6 minutes for a total of ~21600 requests per month so we should be okay.