A non-interactive website where you can host download links, community links, and whatever else you want too.
For an interactive, more beefy website, check out 2009scape-Web
- Gulp
- Sweet Scroll
- Particle.js
- BrowserSync
- Font Awesome and Devicon icons
- Google Analytics
- Info Customization
In order to compile the assets and run Jekyll on local you need to follow those steps:
(Note: This guide assumes you know where to find programs/add things to your path. Join our Discord if you need help.)
- Install NodeJS
- Install Jekyll:
sudo gem install bundler jekyll
- Install Yarn:
npm install -g yarn
- Install dependencies:
- Note: One of the dependencies requires
- Note: One of the dependencies requires
- Run:
Don't forget to change your url before you deploy your site!
- Color Customization
- Edit the sass variables
- Particle Customization
- Edit the json data in particle function in app.js
- Refer to Particle.js for help
This project was taken from Nathan Randecker. Big thanks to him and his generous license.