A curated collection of music and soundtracks to help you get shit done.
- Game Soundtracks - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Movie/TV-Show Soundtracks
- Other Music
- Noise Generators
- Contribute
Artist - Album/Title | Link to Music |
Drumcode Radio (Techno) | https://soundcloud.com/drumcoderadio |
Icon Trailer Music - Dawning Promises | http://icontrailermusic.bandcamp.com/album/dawning-promises |
Iconaudio - Emerge | http://iconaudio.bandcamp.com/album/emerge |
Icon Audio - Ryze | http://iconaudio.bandcamp.com/album/ryze |
phonoelit/Mumpi | https://soundcloud.com/phonoelit http://www.phonoelit.org/ |
Site Name | Link to Site |
Ambient Mixer | http://www.ambient-mixer.com/ |
Data Center - Server Room Noise Generator | http://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/dataCenterNoiseGenerator.php |
iSerenity | http://www.iserenity.com/ |
myNoise | https://mynoise.net/ |
Noisli | http://www.noisli.com/ |
Purrli | https://purrli.com/ |
You know another great audio track which keeps you focussed? Great, feel free to contribute! Send me a pull request or ping me on Twitter: @rfc3849.