A Full Stack and Functionnel Messenger Clone built using Nodejs, Express,MongoDb ,React,Socket io and other npm Packages listed below, you can login and register , and once logged in , you can add contact , and talk to them , and you can logout to back to auth screen ,for learning purposes and focusing on the functionality mostly, following the most possible best practises
- git clone https://github.com/1Farz1/messenger-clone-mern.git
- cd messenger-clone-mern
- npm install
- nodemon app.js
- npm run dev
- Nodejs
- express
- mongoDb
- mongoose
- dotenv
- cookie-parser
- json-web-token
- validator
- express-rate-limit
- helmet
- bcryptjs
- xss-clean
- cors
- express-file-upload
- React
- Context Api
- Postman
- vite
- React-Router-dom
- Maintainble and Scalable
- following best Practises and Clean Code Concepts
- Easy To Follow and Read
- Follow The View-Controller-Repository Architecture
- Feature First layer
- Fares Bekkouche
- for any contrubution you re more then Welcomed
Enjoy it While it Lasts