The Golang programming language is very similar to the C programming language, and its purpose is to reduce complexity in program development. This language is widely used to implement web servers, applications, and container management tools. Among the tools that have been developed with this language are:
In the last few years, this language has opened its place in Iranian companies, and it is used for the development of backend services.
C background is required for learning Go.
- History
- Variables and constants
- Calculation
- Conditions
- Loops
- Functions
- Strings
- Arrays and slices
- Pointers
- Errors
- Concurrency and channels
go mod
and using packages- An overview of advanced features
- Introduction to HTTP protocol
- HTTP server implementation
- Settings management paragraph
- Metric, Log and Tracing
- connection with the database using PostgreSQL and GORM
- Introduction to Docker and containerization
At the beginning of the course, an introduction to the Go language is made and students implement simple programs with it. Since the implementation of web servers is one of the important uses of the Go programming language, we will review the structure of the HTTP protocol and then implement a simple web server in Go. In this implementation, we try to familiarize ourselves with the structure of large programs created in Go and review details such as Configuration or Metrics, which are of great value in real systems. Finally, a MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases are added to this web server, the purpose of which is to familiarize students with database interfaces in the Go.
Using Go for design and implementing servers contains two major steps. First is about learning Go itself and another step is learning an HTTP framework (here we go with Echo). Reviewing these source codes are useful for learning Go but there aren't enough.
- Hello World
- Constants and Variables
- Calculation
- Conditions
- Loops
- Strings
- Arrays
- Slices
- Arrays and Slices
- Maps
- Structs
- Interfaces
- Pointers
- Structs with Pointers
- Function with multiple-return
- Errors
- Concurrency
- Function Type
- Channels
- Pipelines
- Select
- Packages
- Say hello to Echo
- HTTP Handlers
- Request Binding
- Path Parameters
- Query Strings
You can visit Go101 which contains some more advance concepts of Golang.
One of the main steps in learning new language and its best practices is reviewing written projects:
- In the first step, you need to review the project structure and find out how modules are related
- Then we continue with running the docker-compose to have the requirements
- And in the final step, we lunch the application and trying it with curl based on its swagger
- This project use zap as a logger and pass it into its modules also each module has its metrics based on otel.
- This example containing the migration and how we store things on the MongoDB database.
- In the first step, we review the server structure. The server is stateless and only returns simple responses.
- We it on the cloud with its manifests
- using server and ingress to send requests and see how they distributed between instances
- We also see how we can mount configuration on Kubernetes with configmap.