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14627s edited this page Jun 29, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the IP-TRK-Tool wiki!


IP TRK is a simple tool to retrieve information about an IP address and track it. It offers options to track your own IP, a specific IP address, and manage logs.


  • Track My IP: Fetches and displays information about your current IP address.
  • Specific IP: Allows you to enter a specific IP address and retrieves detailed information about it.
  • Logs Settings:
    • Clear Logs: Clears the logs file where tracked IP information is stored.
    • Count IPs Tracked: Counts the number of IP addresses tracked and displays the count.
    • Upload Logs to Discord WebHook: Uploads the logs file to a specified Discord WebHook URL.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd IP-TRK
Clone this wiki locally