This plugin adds a continue feature to some classic arcade games.
The continue option will appear before your game is over with a 10 second countdown timer. Simply push the P1 Start button to continue your game and your score will be reset.
A tally of the number of continues made will appear at the top of the screen.
The plugin currently supports these games:
- Pac-Man
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Galaga
- Galaxians
- Frogger
- Q*bert
- Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong Junior
- Defender
- Scramble
- Robotron
- Sinistar
- Berzerk
- Missile Command
- Centipede
- Battlezone
- Asteroids
- Crazy Climber
- Space Invaders
Other variants of these games are also supported (including):
- Pac-Man Plus
- Ms. Pac-Man Attack
- Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man Speed Up Hacks
- Super Missile Attack
- Galaga Fast Shoot Hack
- Super Galaxians
- Moon Alien
- DK II Jumpman Returns
- DK Remix Editions
Tested with latest MAME version 0.242
Compatible with all MAME versions from 0.196
The Plugin is installed by copying the "continue" folder into your MAME plugins folder.
The Plugin is run by adding -plugin continue
to your MAME arguments e.g.
mame mspacman -plugin continue
The MAMEdev team
Scott Lawrence (BleuLlama) for Pac-Man/Ms.Pac-Man ROM Disassembly resources at:
Scott Tunstall for Galaxians, Robotron, Berzerk and Scramble ROM disassembly resources at:
Kef Schecter (furrykey) for Donkey Kong ROM disassembly resources at:
Rich McFerron for Crazy Climber ROM disassembly resources at:
Harry Hurst for Defender ROM disassembly resources at:
nmikstas for Asteroids ROM disassembly resources at:
hackbar and neiderm for Galaga ROM disassembly resources at:
Andy McFadden for Missile Command, Centipede and Battlezone ROM disassembly resources at:
Historical Source for Sinistar source code at:
I would like to add support for other classic games. Let me know if you have any requests. It greatly helps when there is a rom disassembly available.
Please send feedback to