Web based frontend for the L3X-Z hexapod robot.
To run the frontend You need a http-Server, e. g. the one included in Python. Also the rosbridge_server package is required to communicate with the ROS-system on the robot.
# Install ROS package rosbridge-server
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-rosbridge-server
# Clone this repository with submodules
git clone --recursive https://github.com/107-systems/l3xz_frontend
# Launch rosbridge socket server
ros2 launch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket_launch.xml &
# Start a http server in the webgui folder
cd webgui
python3 -m http.server 8080
It has the following features:
- Visualization of multiple sensor messages
- Rendering of a map of the environment
- In time download of sensor data
- Interface for the documentation of selected locations using the recorder node in the mapping package
- Control of the robot's LEDs
- Optional control of the robot's motion (left joystick: legs, right joystick: sensor head)
- Emergency stop
─── webgui Root with html and css resources
├── javascript Javascript root
│ ├── 3rdparty Third party libraries
│ ├── frontend Callbacks for frontend elements
│ ├── setup Setup routines for pages
├── l3xz_frontend_base Submodule with base functionality
└── resources General static resources
To add a new page, a HTML document needs to be created in the root (webgui
) and linked in index.html
. The setup functions, called after loading the static page, are expected to be implemented in javascript/setup
in a new file. The callbacks for static webpage elements should be implemented in a new file in javascript/frontend