ddos--simple program to test ddos protection system
The support of this program is currently stopped. The development of completely new toolkit is started at https://github.com/Andrewerr/ddos2
$ ./build.sh release
Notice:Current build is not supported by some compilers.Download latest relase from here: https://github.com/Andrewerr/ddos/releases
$./ddos (HOST) (PORT) [options...]
HOST -- host to ddos
PORT -- port to connect,if set to 0 will try random ports
-r -- generate random packet
-u -- Use UDP
-p -- Use TCP
-t (THREAD COUNT) -- describes thread count,by default set to 5
-s (PACKET SIZE) -- set packet size
--http -- Make http request
--no-warnings -- ignore all warnings
--no-errors -- ignore errors
--no-wait -- Do not wait server to respond
--no-check -- Do not check server before starting ddos
--packetfile (FILENAME) -- load packet conents from file(Could be overrided with --http option)
--sleep (TIME) -- sleep between packets sendings (in milliseconds)
$ ./ddos some.boring.long.domain.net 80 -t 70 --no-wait --http
This will send packets some.boring.long.domain.net:80 without waiting for response using http request syntax in 70 threads.
$ ./ddos example.com 88 --no-check --no-wait -u
With this options program will send packets to example.com:88 without pre-start host check and without waiting for response.Program will use 5 threads. Program will use UDP protocol.
$ ./build.sh update